
Amazone Érogène

Original song by -M-, written by Prune Nourry and Daniel Pennac, featuring Ibeyi. Inspired by the Prune Nourry's artwork « L'Amazone Érogène », exhibited to the Bon Marché Rive Gauche between January and February 2021.

Stream & download

All benefits go to the Institut Curie to support cancer research. 

Film directed by Vincent Lorca, executive producer Big Productions.
Thank to the Bon Marché Rive Gauche. 

Amazone Erogène:
Authors: Prune Nourry et Daniel Pennac
Composer: M
Voice, guitar, piano: M
Choirs and choirs arrangement: Ibeyi
String direction: Rémy Galichet
Recorded at studio Labo M by John Krischer assisted by Hugo Zeitoun
Mixed at studio Mitch’s Room by Mitch Olivier
Masterised by Chab
(c) (p) 2021 Labo M / Prune Nourry Studio

Ligne de vie / La Poste
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Amazone Érogène
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Holy Daughters / Exhibition View
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Eve / Genesis
Adam / Genesis
The Spermbar Performance
The Spermbar Project
The Procreative Dinner
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