

Lithographs by Prune Nourry in limited edition are available on the website Hybrid Editions 
- Embossed prints Ligne de Vie, Project Phenix for sale at Templon Gallery


- Mater Earth, texts by Nancy Huston, Catherine Grenier and Bono, 2023, catalogue co-edited with Château La Coste, published by Actes Sud
- L'Amazone Érogène, texts by Daniel Pennac, 2021, exhibition catalogue co-edited with -zeug and Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche
- Aux Amazones, forewords by Angelina Jolie, texts by Prune Nourry and various experts, 2021, pusblished with Marabout
- Catharsis, texts by Ittai Weinryb, Alain Quemin, Prune Nourry and Angelina Jolie, 2019, exhibition catalogue co-edited with Templon Gallery
Serendipity, texts by François Ansermet, 2017, monograph published with Actes Sud