Mater Earth
Public opening March 25th, 2023 from 3:30pm
Château La Coste
2750 route de la Cride
13610 Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade – France
Amazone Érogène
Exhibition on view from October, 2022 to 19th February, 2023
Installation untill May 7th, 2023
Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique / Royal Fine Arts Museums of Belgium
3 rue de la Régence
1000 Bruxelles – Belgique
Atys #1
Until February 15th, 2023
Assemblée nationale – cour d’honneur
126 rue de l'Université
75007 Paris – France
Prune Nourry, plasticienne et sculptrice | Les grands entretiens par Daphné Roulier #8
Daphné Roulier reçoit la plasticienne et sculptrice, Prune Nourry. Artiste mondialement connue, Prune Nourry dévoile les conséquences de son cancer du sein sur son travail et quels ressorts cathartiques elle a pu y trouver. Utilisant son propre corps comme matériel artistique, se filmant notamment lors d'opérations douloureuses, Prune Nourry a trouvé dans cette mise en abyme, une manière de mettre à distance sa douleur. L'art « nous guérit » dit Prune Nourry.
Original song composed and performed by -M- featuring Ibeyi, co-written by Prune Nourry and Daniel Pennac, inspired by the work "L’Amazone Érogen" by Prune Nourry, exhibited at the Bon Marché Rive Gauche in January and February 2021.
Stream & download:
The proceeds from the song are donated to the Institut Curie to support cancer research
Film directed by Vincent Lorca, executive production Big Productions
Thanks to Bon Marché Rive Gauche
Amazon Érogène
Authors: Prune Nourry and Daniel Pennac
Composer: -M-
Voice, guitar, piano: -M-
Choirs and choir arrangements: Ibeyi
String direction: Rémy Galichet
Recorded at Studio Labo M by John Krischer assisted by Hugo Zeitoun
Mixed at Mitch’s Room studio by Mitch Olivier
Mastered by Chab
(c) (p) 2021 Labo M / Prune Nourry Studio
A rain of arrows,
Poisoned arrows,
Falls onto your disarmed
warrior’s chest.
Heart of target
On your wounded breast.
So young, staggered.
Where’s the arrow coming from?
Who’s the archer?
My Amazon,
What bothers you…
Your wounded body, your scar,
Don’t change anything to what I love.
Your DNA, oh my Eden
Erogenous Amazon,
Erotic Amazon…
My Amazon, you’re just the same.
Rain of arrows,
Raging battle.
So many, many chests
pierced in turns.
Don’t let yourselves die,
Let us love you.
So many strings to your bows
Single-breasted huntresses
Heroic Amazons,
In my eyes,
You haven’t changed.
What bothers you…
Your wounded body, your scar,
Don’t change anything to what I love.
Your matrix, my Eden.
Erogenous Amazon,
Erotic Amazon…
My Amazon, you’re just the same.
My Amazons,
What bothers you…
Your wounded bodies, your scars,
Don’t change anything to what is loved.
Your realm is our Eden.
Erogenous Amazons,
Erotic Amazons…
My Amazons, you are unique.
Amazons, I love you.
Prune Nourry:
Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche
Jan 9 - Feb 21, 2021
Paris, France
COVID-19 :The Bon Marché Rive Gauche has closed its doors to the public until further notice
Galerie Templon
Sep 2021
Paris, France
Marabout, Hachette editions
May 2021
More info to come soon ! Stay tuned !