Timbre Ligne de Vie - 2023
In October 2023, following up Prune Nourry's Projet Phenix and its eight busts of visually impaired people created blindfolded by the artist, together with their lifelines embossed on paper, the French Post Office issued 450,000 copies of a stamp she designed. She chose as the motif for her stamp the hands of Aïcha, a pupil at INJA, the Institut National des Jeunes Aveugles (Institute for Visually Impaired Young People) in Paris.
As a sculptor, Prune Nourry is especially sensitive to the vital sense of touch – the "tool of her trade" and an extension of her eyes – which she protected with acupuncture during chemotherapy for breast cancer, loss of sensitivity in the nerves of her fingers being one of the potential side-effects.